S. Francisco is the most important river from de “Nordeste” (Brazil) and one of the main Brazilian rivers. Its riverheads are in Minas Gerais State, in Canastra Mountain and go through 2.700kms, running along part of Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco and Alagoas States. It flows into Atlantic Ocean, in a point located in the frontier between Alagoas and Sergipe.
The S. Francisco River Valley has an extent of 640.000 Km2, area that can hold seven countries with the same size as Portugal and represents 7,5% of the entire Brazil.
Mango, papaya, grapes, coconuts and a quality wine are some of the region products, where 3 thousand hours of insolation per year, medium temperatures over 26º and 30º degrees and the dry ground, but fertile if moisten, can produce surprises. As a matter of fact, with the application of adequate technology, it’s possible to obtain two and a half harvests per year.